A to Z Words With Hindi

a to z words in hindi

a to z words in hindi a to z words in hindi Apnienglish_The Learning Platform Search Refresh English Hinglish Meanings Speech Abash अबेश लज्जित करना Speak Abate अबेट रोक-थाम करना Speak Abide आबाईड रहना, टिकना Speak Absorb अब्सॉर्ब अवशोषित करना Speak Accept एक्सेप्ट स्वीकार करना Speak Ache एक पीड़ा होना Speak Achieve अचीव हासिल करना […]

C words With Hindi

C words with hindi

C words in Hindi with Speak button C words in Hindi with Speak button Search Refresh English Hinglish Meanings Speech Constitution कंस्टीटूशन संविधान Speak Cacophony केकोफोनी जोर की आवाज Speak Cad केड तुच्छ या नीच व्यक्ति Speak Cadaver केडेवर शव, लाश Speak Cadre कैडर व्यवस्था Speak Campus कैंपस स्कूल कॉलेज अथवा विश्वविद्यालय Speak Chafe चाफ़े […]

Z words with Hindi

z words with hindi

Z words in Hindi with Speak button Z Words Vocabulary in Hindi Search Refresh English Hinglish Meanings Speech Zamia जामिया एक प्रकार का ताड़ का वृक्ष Speak Zanella जनेला छाते का कपड़ा Speak Zany जेनी मसखरा Speak Zapata जीपाट कड़ी गुठली का एक गोल फल Speak Zeal जील जोश, उत्साह Speak Zebra जेब्रा जेबरा Speak […]

Y words with Hindi

_Y words with Hindi

Y words in Hindi with Speak button Y words in Hindi with Speak button Search Refresh English Hinglish Meanings Speech Yah या घृणा सूचक अव्यम बोलें Yahoo याहू असभ्य जंगली आदमी बोलें Yak याक याक बोलें Yammer यम्मेर व्यर्थ की शिकयत ,मूर्खता की बात करना बोलें Yank यांक झटका देकर एकदम खींचना बोलें Yap यप […]

X words with hindi

x words in hindi

X words in Hindi with Speak button X words in Hindi with Speak button Search Refresh English Hinglish Meanings Speech Xerophyte जीरोफाइट सूखी भूमि का पौध बोलें Xanthoma जेंथियम एक प्रकार का चर्म रोग बोलें Xeroderma जीर्डर्म शुष्क त्वचा रोग बोलें X-ray एक्स रे एक प्रकार की किरण, जाच बोलें Xylograph जाइलोग्राफ़ लकड़ी की कटाई […]

W words with Hindi

w words with hindi

W words in Hindi with Speak button W words in Hindi with Speak button Search Refresh English Hinglish Meanings Speech Wages वेजिज मजदूरी Speak Wagon वैगन रेल का डिब्बा Speak War वार युद्ध, जंग Speak Wary वेअरि चौकस, चतुर Speak West वेस्ट पश्चिम दिशा Speak Whack व्हाक धमाका Speak Whale व्हेल सबसे बड़ी मछली Speak […]

V Words With Hindi

v words with hindi

V words in Hindi with Speak button V words in Hindi with Speak button Search Refresh English Hinglish Meanings Speech Vacancy वेकेंसी रिक्त पद रिक्तता Speak Vacuous वैक्यूस चुप मोन विचारहीन Speak Vacant वेंकट रिक्त विचारशून्य Speak Varied वेरिड विविध, भिन्न Speak Veil वेल ओढ़ना, पर्दा Speak Velocity वेलासिटी गति, वेग Speak Venerate वेनरेट श्रद्धांजलि […]

U Words With Hindi

u words with hindi

U words in Hindi with Speak button U words in Hindi with Speak button Search Refresh English Hinglish Meanings Speech Ultimate अल्टीमेट अंतिम, परम Speak Umbra अम्ब्रा परछाई, छाया Speak Uphold अपहोल्ड बनाए रखने Speak Upon अपॉन ऊपर की ओर Speak Urgent अर्जेन्ट अति आवश्यक Speak Unfair अनफेर अनुचित, गलत Speak Unfaithful अनफेथफुल विश्वासघाती Speak […]

T words with hindi

t words with hindi

T words in Hindi with Speak button T words in Hindi with Speak button Search Refresh English Hinglish Meanings Speech Table टेबल मेज Speak Tablet टैबलेट दवा Speak Taboo टैबू निषेध, वर्जित Speak Tabulate टेबुअल्ट समतल Speak Tacit टैसिट मतलब रखा हुआ Speak Tack टेक छोटी कील Speak Tackle टैकल सुलझना, निपटना Speak Tact टेक्ट […]

S Words With Hindi

s words with hindi

S words in Hindi with Speak button S words in Hindi with Speak button Search Refresh English Hinglish Meanings Speech Shed शेड बहाना, निकालना Speak Shine शाइन चमकाना Speak Shirk शिर्क भागना, बचना Speak Shiver शिवर काँपना, सिहरना Speak Shoe शू जूता पहनाना Speak Shoot शूट गोली मारना Speak Shop शॉप खरेदी करना Speak Shorten […]